MD5 Checksum: 57BEC336E6446AA43C9A81B2D8299F7E SHA-1 Checksum: 8D4D2F6405E756C75694994AB808FF066D3B2487 SHA-256 Checksum: F006DD5AC4D76A205B59ACB954A96D6444801CB5A18E6EB82B9CE979EA478E94 SHA-512 Checksum: 0615E752C1E8E702333E402246778D3F31F735A4307070B26D6341392DCC46D5BE4093C43036F14D6647EC479BA2600C224F7B13336FEEFFC377D2B65D77A420 There are many MD5 hash checkers available on the web. Some are GUI based and others are command line driven. They are available for all Operating Systems. As long as it uses the MD5 algorithm, any program should work. Here is the link to an open-source Windows MD5 checking program: Once you have installed it, use the md5deep.exe to calculate the hash - example - md5deep.exe HS_DVD_2016_1021.iso You can then compare that string with the one provided above. Most programs like md5keep even allow you to check one or more MD5 hash strings from a file containing known hashes. Check out the MD5DEEP.txt file for more information.